Damage Prevention:

official site for the city of cordele, ga

The greatest risk to underground natural gas pipelines is accidental damage during excavation. Excavation includes digging, blasting, boring, tunneling, backfilling, the removal of aboveground structures by either, explosive or mechanical means, and other earthmoving operations. 

It is extremely important to take precautionary measures to avoid damage to any pipeline or pipeline facility.  Seemingly insignificant excavation activities such as installing mail boxes, privacy fences, flagpoles, performing landscaping, or constructing storage buildings and decks may cause damage to a pipeline or its protective coating, or to other underground utilities.  Even minor damage such as a gouge, scrape, dent, or crease to a pipeline or its coating may cause a leak or failure.

City of Cordele Gas Department is a member of the GA 811 One-Call Center.  State Law requires you to call the Georgia Utility Protection Center (GA 811) before you perform any excavation, even on your own property.  GA 811 will notify all affected utility companies who will come and identify their underground utilities at no charge.

Safe digging is everyone’s responsibility and it starts with you!  Contact Georgia 811 by dialing 811 or visiting my.georgia811.com  at least 48 hours before beginning any mechanized digging on your property. If you are unsure as to whether you should notify Georgia 811 before you break ground, remember, even if your digging project is small, it’s always best to call!

Digging with CARE can prevent utility damage, personal property damage and potential injury.