official site for the city of cordele, ga

Finance Department Divisions

Budget & Accounting: The Budget & Accounting Division coordinates preparation of the City’s Annual Financial Report and interim Financial Statements, and prepares the annual budget. The Division is also responsible for monitoring the City’s Revenues and Expenditures. To Contact Please Call: (229) 276-2951

Bookkeeping: The Bookkeeping Division is responsible for the City’s cash receipts, cash disbursements, payroll, check processing, and banking services. To Contact Please Call: (229) 276-2948

Utility Billing: The Utility Billing Division maintains the operations of utility billing and customer’s master accounts for water/sewer, gas, and garbage services. The division also monitors utility agreements with customers. All agreements made must be on bills over $100 and must be paid in a three month time span. To Contact Please Call: (229) 276-2946

Customer Service: The Customer Service Division is responsible for all cash collections within the Finance Department. The division also handles utility customer issues and answers questions regarding utilities, taxes, or other money collections. The division is responsible for new utility services, transfer of services, and termination of services. To Contact Please Call: (229) 276-2944

Tax Collections: The Tax Division is responsible for occupation tax/business licensing, alcohol licensing, and property tax collection. An Occupation Tax Certificate (business license) is required for all companies and individuals who do business within the City Limits of Cordele, regardless of the physical location of the business. Property taxes are due 60 days after issuance of the original notice. To Contact Please Call: (229) 276-2945

Finance Department


Mission: “To provide accurate, up-to-date financial information and to facilitate products & services through the commitment of our employees to our citizenry”

Vision: “Fiscal responsibility for the financial affairs of the City through maximum efficiency of operations”

Department Description: The Finance Department plans, organizes, leads, and monitors the financial activities of the City through several divisions. We are responsible for the day to day management of all the City’s cash services including, but not limited to: Cash Receipts, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Financial Reporting, Audit Functions, Overseeing the City’s Investments, Budget and Capital Improvement Planning and Monitoring, and Revenue and Expenditure Forecasting.